Z verze
změnil(a) David Brazda
k 15.04.2021 18:12
Na verzi < 103.1 >
změnil(a) David Brazda
k 16.04.2021 20:17
< >
Popis verze: Přidána značka [termika]



Na stránce změněno:
... ... @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
48 48  The correct technique is to start a turn with a smooth, controlled lean and simultaneous progressive inside brake application. The glider will bank up, your body will follow it, and due to centrifugal force you will continue to stay outside the glider's circle and smoothly ride the thermal up. Jerking the brake instead of applying smooth increasing pressure will just swing you to the outside of the glider~-~-then you'll swing back under it, repeat. **The glider will also remain over your head in a true coordinated turn; if it falls behind you, reduce brake. If it threatens to surge in front of you, apply a quick correction while maintaining your lean and turn.**
49 49  )))
50 50  * (((
51 -točit podle šířky jádra cca 16-20s za otáčku, cca 40-45m
51 +přizpůsobovat šířku otáčky podle šířky a síly jádra, 16-20s za otáčku, cca 40-45m
52 52  )))
53 53  * (((
54 54  **pověsit** se na stoupák půlkou zadku, cítit to zvedání v boku, prostě viset na stoupáku půlkou